Last Updated: 2024-07-27

If you believe your copyright material is being used on this website or is otherwise available via our XTV Ultra Player without permission, submit a notice via our email ar x@xtvultra.com and provide the following information:

  • a description of the copyrighted work, a description of where the material is located (e.g., a URL or the like) or otherwise can be found, your contact information (address, telephone number and e-mail)
  • a statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material is not authorized,
  • a further statement by you under penalty of perjury that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on the owner’s behalf, and your electronic or physical signature.

Please note, XTV Ultra does not review, manage, or otherwise control content creation, acquisition by our users. We provide IPTV player which is solely a tool for streaming content provided by our users. Media sources are managed and operated by our users.

Requesting XTV Ultra to take down content will not permanently resolve content being delivered from the content publisher’s origin. For permanent resolution, we strongly recommend that you also communicate your complaint directly to the content publisher.

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